New Student Center
Wise, Virginia

2004 Virginia Society AIA Award of Excellence

Built into the side of a hill, the New Student Center anchors the entrance sequence to the college and becomes an important threshold to the campus. Concrete seat walls with grass panels extend from the building, creating an outdoor amphitheater. A large square grass terrace takes advantage of the south-facing hillside and functions as a flexible gathering space. Stairs lead along the side of the building to an upper level lawn terrace. Maple trees line the walk and provide shade for a series of concrete benches. Viburnum hedges define the edges of the amphitheater, while groves of sourwood and beech fill out the adjacent slope.

VMDO Architects

New Student Center

Wise, Virginia

2004 Virginia Society AIA Award of Excellence

Built into the side of a hill, the New Student Center anchors the entrance sequence to the college and becomes an important threshold to the campus. Concrete seat walls with grass panels extend from the building, creating an outdoor amphitheater. A large square grass terrace takes advantage of the south-facing hillside and functions as a flexible gathering space. Stairs lead along the side of the building to an upper level lawn terrace. Maple trees line the walk and provide shade for a series of concrete benches. Viburnum hedges define the edges of the amphitheater, while groves of sourwood and beech fill out the adjacent slope.